Learn To Break Your Comfort Zone Boundaries to Achieve Your Dreams
Is this you…
✔ You wake up exhausted and you’re not sure why
✔ You find that you are doubting yourself – ALL THE TIME
✔ You can’t remember the last time you tried something new
✔ You procrastinate… OFTEN
✔ You’re constantly using words like “if” and “maybe”
If you find yourself identifying with any or all of these things, you are more than likely stuck in your Comfort Zone and are not alone. I’m here to tell you that you can do something about it.
What If…
✔ You suddenly had the urge to try something new and you couldn’t wait to do so… how would your life be different?
✔ Your motivation to just ‘go for it’ without doubting yourself kicked in… EVERY SINGLE DAY… how would your career be different?
✔ You were being the ‘go-to’ person for new adventures, activities, & conversations… how would your relationships be different?
Get the program now for only $47!
Everyone has fears & doubts. Nobody likes to feel embarrassed, uncomfortable or like their boundaries are being pushed. That’s why people find themselves eating the same foods, living the same routines and working at the same job, same position. It’s their comfort zone. It’s where things are familiar, restful and normal.
It’s also where many people get stuck. It’s where they keep themselves from reaching their full potential and from achieving their dreams. It keeps them from enjoying all that life has to offer.
Living in your comfort zone robs you of growth and new experiences that keep your life exciting, fun and worth living. It keeps you from changing personally and advancing in your career and life.
Well, what if I told you that whether you are an overwhelmed parent or caretaker, an exhausted & frazzled business person, or a stressed out entrepreneur, you can:
If this sounds awesome, then you need “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone”.
In this program, you’ll learn:
When to push the boundaries and tactics to help you do so.
Tips for leaving your comfort zone behind.
Steps to getting out of your comfort zone.
55 ideas for stretching your boundaries.
…and a whole lot more!
Get the program now for only $47!
As human beings, we are designed to change, to grow, to expand. We have this intellectual capacity that can grow and develop, and on every level, we’re designed to do just that. We exercise our bodies to become stronger, faster, more functioning. We train our minds so we can gain more wisdom and knowledge. We meditate to expand our consciousness. We involve our hearts in all that we do and grow our capacity for love.
Everything about how we’re designed, is on a trajectory for growth, and somewhere along the line, because of whatever experience we’ve had in our lives, we choose to stop growing. We just stopped. Our inner critic tells us …
“Okay, I’ve been too lucky. This is as good as it’s going to get. I don’t deserve any more”.
You are in a Comfort Crisis.
It doesn’t have to be this way. You have choices in all that you do.
Leaving your comfort zone by choosing to grow personally and professionally, can prepare you to take the larger leaps of faith that will, in time, help you refine your behaviors, thoughts, and actions. As you work your way through the journey of growth stepping out of your Comfort Zone, the discomfort you feel will begin to diminish. With the passage of each well-earned triumph, you will have grown and your comfort zone will have expanded to accommodate this evolution.
So what is “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone” exactly?
- 10 recorded coaching audios… work at your own pace
- Each one short, to the point with action steps to take on this journey
- Get Out of Your Comfort Zone workbook
- A workbook diving deep into asking the questions that will change you if you choose to be honest and do the work.
- Get Out of Your Comfort Zone journal
- A 60-page ejournal for reflections & insightful probing all to move you forward each and every day.
- Bonus ebook … 5 Signs You Are Stuck and what you can do
- Instant subscription to my weekly newsletter (unsubscribe anytime)
All for only $47!
Why wait? Only you can decide if this is your 1st step to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone to live a more fulfilled & successful Life!
A little bit about me…
Who am I? This is one of the questions that I believe most of us struggle with when asked. I mean how am I to express to you all that I am in this one short area? Here goes… I’m a certified life coach, a pricing expert, an author, a motivational speaker, an intuitive, a geek, a daughter/sister/aunt/friend, a jokester, lover of nature and on & on & on.
What does all this mean for you?
I am an Architect for your Life. I have the tools and the experience to help you blueprint and design your ideal life – the life you thought you could never achieve – the life you were afraid to reach for as an entrepreneur or a corporate careerist.
I know this because I was once where you are … feeling lost and uncertain about where to go.
I was comfortably miserable in my cushy, corporate job. I busted through glass ceilings only to find another one hastily built above me. I traveled all over the world, I was the epitome of upwardly mobile, and my life was not my own. I chose to align with my unlimited potential, instead of aligning with a broken system that did not serve me.
It was only when I choose to break through my own barriers that have me doing what I do today. Helping others to claim their worth and own it all coming from their heart and their head to fully realize the True You inside. Allow me to help you discover the True You and the life you’ve only imagined.
If you feel you are not where you want to be in life, stuck in your career, corporate, or entrepreneurship, I can help you to break down the barriers, shift your mindset & move beyond your fears (procrastination, worry, exhaustion, overwhelm) … so you can design your life … personally & professionally.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
How long do I have access to the course?
What if I am unhappy with the course?
For the cost of less than a Starbucks coffee everyday for a month, this program can be yours. So, what’s your choice? Fleeting satisfaction or a lifetime potential for change?
Copyright © 2023 DeniseHansardLifeCoach.com